
Kingsters is a mobile game store about the trials and tribulations of life. The more you play the game the more you understand and appreciate the layers of strategy. Both parties start with 6 chips that have equal ability. You can move in any direction and you can jump your own chip as many times as long as you have a space in between. Kingsters is a great metaphor for life as everyone starts with the same amount of material but it’s where you place your chips and how quick you can understand the game do you win the match.

History Of Kingsters

As my memory serves me; I was eight or nine years old and my family were living on a one hundred and fifty acre farm in upstate New York and our closest neighbor was three quarters of a mile away. The cartoons only came on at a specific time of the day so my sister and I used to play a lot of board games, especially during the long winters. After a while we started to make up new rules for some of the games. One game in particular was checkers which we played a lot but it would get boring since it’s pretty slow. We came up with playing just with the kings from the start. I can remember one game where I was losing to my sister, in order to change the prevailing tide I jumped my own chip to get to hers for a triple jump. Of course she did not like this because it was against the rules; after that game we updated the rules to being able to jump your own chip and move in any direction. From there, Kingsters was born.